[CLOSED] Postdoctoral Research Position for 2 years at the Max Weber Stiftung – India Branch Office (IBO) in New Delhi
The Max Weber Stiftung – India Branch Office (IBO) invites applications from postdoctoral scholars for the position of a Junior Research Associate for 2 years to be based at the IBO in New Delhi. The candidate is expected to contribute to the international research network “Bilderfahrzeuge (Image Vehicles): Aby Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology”, supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research, and realized in a collaboration of the Warburg Institute, London, with German partner institutions (see list below). The objective of this project is to explore the migration of images, objects, and ideas in a broad historical and geographical perspective. In particular, it seeks to provide a contribution to the history of images which is based on Aby Warburg’s approach and method, rethinking them in the light of new interdisciplinary, international scholarship. For further information on the research network see https://iconology.hypotheses.org/ .
The position in Delhi will be part of a sub-project on Indian / South East Asian art histories and cultural heritage studies, directed by Gerhard Wolf. Projects, concentrating on the 17th to 21th century, with a focus on visual and media studies, the transformation and relocation of images or artefacts across time, space and media in a broader cultural or transcultural perspective are especially welcome.
The suitable candidate will hold a PhD degree in art history, history, media studies or related fields and have some years of research experience, ideally in international research groups or networks.
This is a full-time position and the salary is approx. 80,000 INR per month plus Annual Bonus, Employee Provident Fund and medical benefits.
Please apply electronically in one pdf.-document with cover letter, CV, copy of PhD degree, project description (max. 4 pages), a writing sample and names of two referees to Prof. Dr. Gehard Wolf (dirwolf@khi.fi.it) by 20 November 2018.
Start date: 1 January 2019
Directors of the Bilderfahrzeuge (Image Vehicles) project:
Andreas Beyer/Basel (Speaker), Horst Bredekamp/Berlin, Uwe Fleckner/Hamburg, Bill Sherman/London, Gerhard Wolf/Florence/Berlin. Permanent members of the board: Charlotte Klonk/Berlin and Hubert Locher/Marburg.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
lailaabuerrub (October 9, 2018). [CLOSED] Postdoctoral Research Position for 2 years at the Max Weber Stiftung – India Branch Office (IBO) in New Delhi. ICAS:MP. Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/rf9q