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[CLOSED] Call for Applications: ICAS:MP Virtual Spring School 2021 for Doctoral Researchers- ‘Thinking the Political’

Monday, 15 March – Wednesday, 24 March 2021


The 2021 Spring School of ICAS:MP is designed to offer broad-based theoretical training to doctoral researchers and enhance methodological competence. Addressing the question of how to conceive “the political”, the Spring School aims to follow the controversies and negotiations that are a core characteristic of modern societies across all major life arenas, and discuss conflicting views about the shaping of contemporary social processes. The political is in a state of perpetual metamorphosis, encompassing new fields of social practice as it withdraws from others, occasionally appearing as ‘anti-politics’. Dimensions of the political are discussed in a variety of disciplinary contexts, including political science, philosophy, anthropology, gender studies, history and sociology. The Spring School will follow a comparative approach and identify core issues across different world regions. On the theoretical level, we will contrast post-colonial perspectives with western conceptualizations that had for long been taken as both normative and exemplary. Debates emanating from the Global South will play a particularly significant role.


Day 1: Thinking the Political: Introduction, and Democracy

Day 2: Decent Society (indecent society, disgust, hate speech, prejudice, discrimination, humiliation, civility and justice, solidarity and fraternity redefined from gender perspectives)

Day 3: Democracy and Citizenship (as contested categories with statist and dissenting perspectives; insurgent constitutionalism, people’s constitution; recognition; belonging)

Day 4: City/Country: Changing Spatial Order (territory, protest, civil disobedience)

Day 5: Labour and Work (technology and informalisation, skilling and de-skilling)

Gender issues will be raised across all sessions.

Resource persons represent various disciplinary and regional backgrounds. Among the resource persons will be Partha Chatterjee (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta), Carol Upadhya (National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru), Jennifer Robinson (University College London), and Lucia Michelutti (University College London).

Students are expected to be active participants in the Spring School. On the mornings of the first five days, we will have presentations by Resource Persons followed by question and answer sessions and discussion (15-19 March, each slot 2.5 hours). The first day will also have a welcoming session. Two days (22 and 23 March) are assigned for joint presentations by participants where small groups of two or three participants are expected to collaborate on a presentation. We will arrange for the required online rooms. These sessions will include discussions among the participants and with selected resource persons. The Spring School will conclude on the last day (24 March) through final discussions and reflections and may include a discussion about effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on arenas of the political. Students shall bring their thesis proposals and fieldwork/archival work into the discussions.

Spring School Pre-Readings

ICAS:MP will provide you with readings before the event that will encourage you to start to think about the key topics.

Eligibility and how to apply-

PhD students who are at least in the 2nd year of their PhD Programme with a research interest in the theoretical framework of this project from all disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences are invited to apply.

The event will be held entirely virtually. There is no registration fee.

Application deadline: 31 January 2021
Announcement of accepted applicants:  approx. 20 February 2021
Confirmation of attendance by selected participants: 1 March 2021

Download the Call for Applications here.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
tanyabansal (December 22, 2020). [CLOSED] Call for Applications: ICAS:MP Virtual Spring School 2021 for Doctoral Researchers- ‘Thinking the Political’ ICAS:MP. Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

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