ICAS:MP Fellows in the Academic Year 2021/2022
TM 1:
Prof. Prem Poddar (Senior Fellow): China in India: Himalayan Kalimpong
TM 2:
Dr. Gayatri Jai Singh Rathore (Fellow): State, Labour and Sanitation: Making and Unmaking of Sanitation Worker
TM 3:
Prof. Supriya Roy Chowdhury (Senior Fellow): Democracy and Debates: Urban Poor Housing Movements in India
TM 4:
Prof. Peter Gottschalk (Senior Fellow): Imperial Enmity and Tolerance: English-language newspapers’ depictions of Muslims during the British Empire
Dr. Megnaa Mehtta (Fellow): Nonhuman Governance: The Violence and Benevolence in South Asian Animism
TM 5:
Dr. Jana Tschurenev (Senior Fellow): Shared and Equal Parenting: Historical, Transregional, and Comparative Perspectives
Prof. Julia Hauser (Senior Fellow): Mirra Alfassa: The Global Life of a Female Guru
Dr. Maria Framke (Fellow): Hidden histories: Women’s role in rural development programmes in India, c. 1920–1966
TM 6:
Prof. Holger Strulik (Senior Fellow): Physiological Aging and Life-Cycle Labor Supply across the World
TM 7:
Dr. Michael Homberg (Fellow): Technologies of Development. The Digital Divide and the Media of Globalization. An Indian Perspective, c. 1970-2020.
Dr. Ramnath Bhat (Fellow): Communicative infrastructure and constitution of the political in Chhattisgarh, India